A Few FORMAT Recipes - gigamonkeys Common Lisp's FORMAT function is--along with the extended LOOP macro--one of the two Common Lisp features that ...
Files and File I/O - gigamonkeys Common Lisp provides a rich library of functionality for dealing with files. .... And because s-expressions were designed to be human editable, it's also a fine format for things like configuration files.1 ...
22.3 Formatted Output - LispWorks format is useful for producing nicely formatted text, producing good-looking messages, and so on. format can generate ...
CLHS: Function FORMAT - LispWorks format destination control-string &rest args => result. Arguments and Values: destination---nil, t, a stream, or a string with ...
Format (Common Lisp) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Format is a function in Common Lisp that can produce formatted text and is normally used in a manner analogous to ...
Kawa: Formatted Output (Common-Lisp-style) - GNU An almost complete implementation of Common LISP format description according to the CL reference book Common ...
22.3.3. Formatted Output to Character Streams ... n spaces, in a manner analogous to Fortran X format. In Common Lisp the directive ~@T is used for that purpose.
Successful Lisp - Chapter 24 But Lisp's FORMAT implements a programming language in its own right, designed expressly for the .... The most common is the field-width specifier, which behaves as it does in the ~D directive.
The Common Lisp Cookbook - Strings Notice the Lisp reader can round-trip characters by name. * (stream-external- format *standard-output*) :UTF-8 ...
Common LISP Hints: Printing The first argument to format is either t , nil , or a stream. T specifies output to the terminal. Nil means not to print anything ...